ReferencesWhat we already worked on... |
Semi-public & Public Space
- Westpark Munich - Japanese garden [maintenance and topiary]
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since 2009 annual maintenance | Munich - Botanic Garden Augsburg - Japanese garden [consultation]
2009 / Augsburg - Demonstration garden Bonsai- and Koi Scherer [draft, realisation]
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2009 | Mainburg, Bavaria - Demonstration garden Koi-Haus Bavaria [draft, realisation]
2008 | Feldgeding near Munich, Bavaria - Zen Monastery Eisenbuch: Japanese Garden [draft, realisation, maintenance], more...
2008 | Altötting, Bavaria - Zen Monastery Eisenbuch: Kare-Sansui-garden [draft, realisation, maintenance], more...
2007 | Altötting, Bavaria - Article in "Midori" 12/2008 - "Zen-Garden" - the gardens of the Zen Monastery in Eisenbuch, Germany, more ...
Private Gardens
- single-family home [consultation, draft, implementation]
2014 | Landshut / Bavaria - single-family home [consultation, draft]
2014 | Aalen/ Baden-Wuerttemberg - single-family home [consultation, draft, implementation]
2014 | Hochburg-Ach, Austria - single-family home [ implementation]
2013 | Mühldorf / Bavaria - single-family home [consultation, draft, site management]
2013 | Munich / Bavaria - single-family home [consultation, draft]
2012 | Kiel / Schleswig-Holstein - inner courtyard [draft]
2012 | Berlin-Charlottenburg - single-family home [draft]
2012 | Köln / Nordrhein-Westfalen - single-family home [consultation, draft, implementation]
2012 | Munich / Bavaria - single-family home [consultation, draft]
2012 | Radolfzell / Baden-Wuerttemberg - single-family home [consultation, draft]
2011 | Switzerland - single-family home [consultation, draft, implementation]
2011 | Landshut / Bavaria - single-family home [consultation, draft]
2011 | Straßlach near Munich / Bavaria - single-family home [consultation]
2011 | Munich / Bavaria - single-family home [consultation, maintenance]
2011 | next to Heidelberg / Baden-Württemberg - single-family home [consultation]
2011 | next to Baden-Baden / Baden-Württemberg - single-family home [consultation, implementation, maintenance]
2011 | next to Wasserburg / Bavaria - single-family home [consultation, draft]
2010 | Pliening / Bavaria - single-family home [consultation]
2010 | Murnau / Bavaria - single-family home [consultation]
2010 | Munich - single-family home [consultation, draft]
2010 | Munich - single-family home [consultation, draft]
2010 | Nuremberg - single-family home [consultation, draft]
2010 | Salzburg / Austria - single-family home [consultation, draft]
2010 | Erding / Bavaria - single-family home [draft, maintenance]
2009 | Augsburg / Bavaria - single-family home [rearrangement, fence from bamboo and maintenance of the Japanese garden]
more ...
2009 | Munich / Bavaria - single-family home [rearrangement and maintenance of the Japanese garden]
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2009 | Karlsruhe / Baden-Württemberg - single-family home [draft, planting plan, realisation]
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2009 | Landshut / Bavaria - single-family home [draft, planting plan, stone setting]
2009 | Kirchheim near Munich / Bavaria - single-family home [draft, planting plan, stone setting],
2008 | Fürth / Bavaria - row home Riem [draft, planting plan]
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2008 | Munich - single-family home with existing Koi pond [draft, planting plan, stone setting]
2008 | Winhöring/ Bavaria - single-family home [draft, planting plan]
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2008 | Töging on the Inn / Bavaria - single-family home [draft, planting plan]
2008 | Hochburg-Ach / Austria
Workshops & Presentations
- Freie Gartenakademie Münster, 2013
- German-Japanese Association North-Bavaria, 2012
- Presentation Gartenlust Munich 2011: Introduction to Japanese garden art
- Presentation and workshop, Japantage Beuerberg 2009
- Spring feast of the German-Japanese Association Schwaben, Augsburg, 2008, 2009
- Japan feast of the German-Japanese Association Bavaria, Munich, 2008, 2009
- Presentation Landshut, 2009: Introduction to Japanese garden art
- Open garden day 2008 and 2011, Zen Monastery Eisenbuch
- Bayerischer Rundfunk "Wir in Bayern", TV report on 14.05.2014: Zen-Gardener Zensho Shimokawa. About tranquility and beauty - the Japanese gardener Zensho Shimokawa demonstrates, how Japanese garden design and life style fit into the Bavarian landscape. A TV report by Nikolaus Wiesner. more ...
- Taspo Garten Design (4) 2014: Konzentriert auf das Wesentliche - Zensho Shimokawa - Gärtner und Mönch. Ein Porträt von Michael Weinert (Focussing on the essence - Zensho Shimokawa - gardener and monk. A portrait by Michael Weinert)
- Gartenratgeber 11/2009: Einführung in die japanische Gartenkunst (Introduction to the Japanese garden art) more ...
- Bayerischer Rundfunk (radio programme), Report in the programme "Abendschau" on 15.04.09
- Passauer Neue Presse, 03.04.2009: Wie im Land der aufgehenden Sonne (Like being in the country of the rising sun) more ...
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, 20.03.09: Faszination Japan-Garten (Fascinating Japanese garden)
- Midori 12/2008: Zen-Garten (Zen garden) more ...